Divine Miracle….

 or just a miracle of Nature’s Power?

by Chaim Feinstein


Cute, well-behaved eight-year-old boy.  His feet shredded by fungus and bacteria, unresponsive to cortisone shots and other conventional treatments. With blackened broken skin, cracking and bleeding, this little boy’s feet were a mess, and source of huge pain to this delightful child. Water caused the stinging pain to worsen, so his well-meaning parents kept them from getting wet. Their loving intent unintentionally worsened the condition: skin MUST be washed regularly.


After two years of the boy getting worse, he was carried into Refuah Vechaim, in Boro Park. Dr. David Cohen, naturopathic doctor, performed  a Bodyscan, and knew precisely what was needed. Hours later, the boy walked out of the office unaided. That’s when it got really interesting.


When the boy returned a few days later, Dr. Cohen’s trained eye quickly saw that the boy was not receiving the full number of treatments at home he’d firmly urged.  He wasn’t quite sure how to explain without offense to the parents that their compassion for the child was actually impeding his healing.  The experienced naturopath knew that the child needed several at-home treatments per day. He found a solution so polite, he eliminated the need for the doctor!


Being innovative in his approach to challenging issues, this interesting man keeps his rapid-fire mind producing possible, and then probable solutions.


Not surprisingly, his success rate is stunning.  In this case, he taught an eight-year old boy how to apply each medicine, and how to care for his feet in a manner that would ensure speedy healing. Naturopathic medicines and technologies are natural, safe, and non-invasive, so the only gamble was how determining how much the child wanted his feet healed.


Being the kind of child that heroes and champions are made of, the little boy good-naturedly took it upon himself to learn each task with a grin, although one of the medicaments caused his feet to sting terribly for minutes before giving him massive relief!  He trained himself to handle the pain, knowing relief was on the way.  By his fifth visit, his feet were completely healed.  From two years to five visits. If not a miracle, a testament to how powerful attitude and nature’s products are when we use them properly.


Again and again naturopathic medicine shows measurable results where conventional medicine may not. The rapid growth in popularity of Bodyscans is due to its incredible accuracy determining what substances your body responds to.


With , and thirty-one years of research and application, Dr. Cohen enjoys an growing reputation.  He’s a special draw for those who suffer chronic pain for years, or conditions not responding to medicine.


Learn more  at the largest and healthiest web site in town, MisterShortcut.US, or call Refuah Vechaim, at 627-7272.


  What we know takes a back seat to what we DO with what we know.      Be well.